Below are a selection of answers to general questions about the Quality Care Pharmacy Program.

For any questions regarding a specific section of the QCPP requirements, please log into the Quality Care 2020 Knowledge Hub.

If you can't find the answer to your questions here, or in the Quality Care 2020 Knowledge Hub, feel free to contact us at or on 1300 363 340.

Assessment FAQs

Initial assessment

What is accreditation?

Accreditation is public recognition by an accreditation body that your pharmacy meets the accreditation Australian Standard AS 85000:2017 – quality management system for pharmacies in Australia, with the application of the standard outlined in the Quality Care 2020 Requirements.

To ensure pharmacies meet the Australian Standard, they must undergo an initial assessment followed by a reaccreditation assessment every two years.

Find out more about steps to accreditation under Get Accredited.

My pharmacy is new to QCPP, is the process different for initial assessments?

Your pharmacy can expect to be assessed similarly to pharmacies that have been accredited previously.

If you need clarification on what to expect during your assessment week, contact our friendly QCPP Support team or ask questions to your EY assessor during the confirmation call prior to your Quality Care 2020 Assessment.

How long will my assessment take?

Your assessor will spend up to 3.5 hours in your pharmacy. They will work through all aspects of the Quality Care 2020 Requirements to assess compliance.

Preparing for your assessment and having evidence available for review is a key step in reducing the time your assessor spends onsite.

After your assessment, you may receive some corrective actions, which carry different timeframes for completion. Visit After your Assessment for more information.

Where can I find resources for assessment preparation?

We have information on how to prepare for your Quality Care 2020 assessment on the Preparing for your Assessment page.

We also have detailed FAQs, support documents, videos and more in our Quality Care 2020 Knowledge Hub. You must have a QCPP Customer portal login to access.

General Assessment FAQs

How is my assessment scheduled?

If your pharmacy is due for reaccreditation, the EY scheduling team will contact you at least 42 days before your reaccreditation date to schedule your assessment.

Find out more under Scheduling Your Assessment.

What is a Root Cause Analysis?

A Root Cause Analysis is used to further understand and provide an explanation as to why the non-conformance occurred and identify the actions required to prevent it from happening in the future.

When a non-conformance is identified, a Root Cause Analysis must be actioned within 60 days on an assessment on the QCPP Customer Portal.

Learn more about how to address corrective actions on the After Your Assessment page.

How recent should my evidence be?

Most forms of evidence required to be submitted for the assessment must be from the previous 2 years, since the last QCPP assessment date.

If you are not able to provide evidence since your last assessment, you will need to provide a signed statement to this affect along with templates of the relevant documents e.g. blank staged supply contract and record, blank induction checklist, staff contract etc.

Other forms of evidence which have a different timeline include:

CPR certificates – Annual renewal

First Aid certificates – 3 yearly renewal

Signed Attestation Statement should have been completed within 12 months of the pharmacy’s current assessment date

Why do I need to provide an explanation and not a procedure/policy?

This is to demonstrate that not only does the pharmacy have a procedure or policy in place, but they are also aware of how and when it needs to be followed and by who in the pharmacy.

You may be asked to provide an explanation of how the pharmacy and staff carry out certain tasks or procedures based on the question provided in the assessment, not the procedure itself.

I'm being asked a question about a professional service I do not offer, what should I do?

At the start of the assessment, your assessor will ask you to provide a list of the services you offer. They may ask you about services you have previously offered too. If you no longer offer the service, simply let your assessor know.

You can find a list of all pharmacy services under QCPP in the QC2020 Pharmacy Services Guide.

What should a policy include?

A policy may include all, or most of, the following:

  • The aim/purpose of the policy
  • The scope of the policy i.e. why was it developed, what activities does it cover, who does it apply to?
  • Reference related policies/procedures that exist of are being developed.
  • What is acceptable/unacceptable under the policy.
  • If any behaviour relating to the policy is against the law, reference the related legislation and make it clear that legal action could be taken against any employee who engages in that behaviour. Mention any employee behaviour that you, (the employer), could be liable for.
  • Disciplinary action or performance management procedures an employee will face if they breach the policy.
  • Who has authorised development of the policy.
  • If there are any circumstances in which it will not be possible to follow the policy and how it will be approached.
  • Provide a date when the policy was developed and/or updated.
Onsite Assessments 

Will there be an option to do remote assessments?

Onsite assessment will be the only option for assessments.

How do I book my onsite assessment?

EY will allocate you with an assessment date and you will receive further information via email.

How long will the assessor be in the pharmacy for an onsite assessment?

Your assessor will spend up to 3.5 hours in your pharmacy. They will work through all aspects of the Quality Care 2020 Requirements to assess compliance.

Preparing for your assessment and having evidence available for review is a key step in reducing the time your assessor spends onsite.

Who needs to attend the assessment?

It’s important that all staff members who are responsible for implementing the QCPP are on hand during the assessment to help answer any questions.

In some pharmacies, this could be several different staff members, such as a pharmacy assistant who might coordinate QCPP, the pharmacy owner, manager or pharmacist in charge who may hold confidential records, and/or a pharmacist who can demonstrate dispensing procedures etc.

Depending on how your pharmacy operates, you may have to organise locum staff to cover the assessment period.

Will the assessor need a private area?

You will need to arrange an area for the assessor to conduct the assessment. Preferably, this would be a private room, but if this is not possible a table and chair would be adequate. Please note that as per the QCPP Program and Assessment Rules the assessor cannot accept any gifts or food.

Do I have to show the assessor confidential business documents?

If QCPP requirements stipulate particular evidence must be sighted, the assessor must sight that evidence, ensuring confidentially is strictly maintained. All QCPP endorsed assessors have signed confidentiality agreements. Commercial and personal information can be redacted if it is not relevant to the purpose of checking the record.

Can I receive some further assistance to prepare for my assessment?

QCPP does not visit pharmacies or offer consultation services to prepare for assessment. Member organisations, banner groups or independent quality management consultants may be able to assist you if you require further assistance to prepare for your assessment.

Can I choose my assessor?

Assessors are automatically assigned to your pharmacy.

If you identify a conflict of interest with your allocated QCPP assessor, please contact us as soon as possible.

What version of the Quality Care Requirements will I be assessed against?

Pharmacies will still be assessed against the Quality Care 2020 Requirements (Version 1.1).

Do I get to choose my assessment date?

You will receive your assessment date from EY.

While some flexibility may be possible, we request that you accept the date proposed by EY, as they schedule an average of 200-400 assessments each month and need to coordinate resourcing and scheduling accordingly. It also ensures your pharmacy can complete the assessment requirements within the required timeframes.

IT Solutions FAQs


If you received any corrective actions in your assessment, you are required to upload documents to the QCPP Customer Portal to close them out. The following FAQs provide some troubleshooting solutions, more information can be found on Using the QCPP Customer Portal.

If I don't have a scanner, how can I copy and upload documents?

If you have documents already on your computer, you can upload these directly into the portal, there is no need to print and then upload.

If you only have hard copy documents, you can use your smartphone to take pictures and upload.

Uploading documents and photos

What are acceptable file types for uploading evidence?

Evidence can be uploaded as jpg, pdf, excel or word filed into the QCPP Customer Portal.

We do not accept HEIC file typed which are often used on Mac operating systems.

Can I upload multiple documents at once via a Zip file?

Yes, you may however, documents must be submitted against the relevant checklist question. Assessors will not consider evidence uploaded against the wrong assessment question. If there are any access issues, please advise the assessment team.

TIP: Upload your Zip file using the browse files function as the drag and drop does not upload Zip files correctly.

Can I upload photos from my smartphone?

In most cases, yes, you can upload photos taken on your smartphone.

If you have an Apple or Android smartphone, you may have to adjust settings on the device to ensure it is uploaded in an acceptable file format, i.e. jpg.

The portal cannot accept ‘live’ photos, which is a common feature on new devices.

Please refer to the below resources for information on disabling this feature:

I want to convert my documents to PDF before uploading, how do I do that?

There is no requirement to convert files or images to PDF, however if you wish to do so via:

  • Desktop/Laptop: Files can be converted when saving files. Use the “Save As” feature and choose “PDF” as the file type.
  • Mobile phone/Tablet: There are plenty of mobile apps available that can modify your documents to PDF. Some include Google Drive, Office Lens, CamScanner, Genius Scan, Scanable, FineScanner etc.
IT Support

Who do I contact for technical support?

During the assessment, your QCPP assessor is available to answer any questions regarding the assessment process and clarification of checklist questions.

The QCPP Support Team is available outside assessment and for all other matters, including IT and equipment support and general enquiries

All teams are available via email, phone or can set up a video conference.

General FAQs

Impartiality Committee

What is the Impartiality Committee?

QCPP’s Impartiality Committee oversees the independence of program operations.

The committee’s role is to ensure program rules, requirements, policies and audit criteria do not unfairly disadvantage any pharmacy or group of pharmacies. The committee also oversees complaints handling and appeals.

The committee meets at least quarterly.

EY Assessors

What does EY do?

QCPP’s assessment partner, EY, manages the remote assessment process and conducts all assessments.

Do EY assessors have a background in pharmacy?

Many assessors are registered pharmacists or have spent time working in the pharmacy industry. Assessors undergo training to ensure they appropriately understand the industry and the Quality Care Requirements.


Where can I send feedback about QCPP?

If you have any feedback or suggestions for improvements, please let us know using the QCPP Feedback form.

Your feedback allows us to review our practices and make continuous quality improvements to enhance the program.


Who do I contact for help?

The QCPP Support Team are available 9am – 5pm AEST, Monday – Friday to answer your questions regarding QCPP accreditation.

Please email or phone the Helpline on 1300 363 340 to contact our friendly team.

Find out more under Contact Us.

Fee FAQ's

Fee increase - 1 July 2024

What if I own multiple pharmacies?

From 1 July 2024, the QCPP annual fee will increase for all pharmacies. QCPP does not offer discounts based on ownership of multiple pharmacies or groups.

Can we do payment plans or direct debit?

Payment plans and direct debits are not some of our payment options. View our payment options here.

How do I pay my QCPP fee?

You can make the payment via the QCPP Customer Portal, BPAY, or over the phone.

When is my invoice due?

Your invoice is due on or after your reaccreditation date. The invoice is issued 1 month prior to the due date.

How do I check when my reaccreditation date is?

You can see your reaccreditation date in the QCPP Customer Portal under the ‘Current Assessment’ tab, on your Assessment Schedule or on your previous certificate.