From 1 October 2024, the Quality Care Pharmacy Program will return to onsite assessments

Since March 2020, QCPP have been conducting remote assessments to ensure pharmacies can maintain their accreditation in a streamlined, flexible assessment method during the pandemic.

Throughout this time, we have been listening to your feedback to help shape the future of QCPP assessments. Onsite assessments allow for a comprehensive review of your pharmacy, reducing the administration burden you may have experienced in previous remote assessments.

What does this mean for your pharmacy?

If your reaccreditation date is on or after Tuesday 1 October, you will complete an onsite assessment.

If your reaccreditation date is on or before Monday 30 September, you will complete a remote assessment.

Preparing for an onsite assessment

Preparing for an onsite assessment is the most important step to set your pharmacy up for success.

To prepare for your assessment, follow these steps:

  1. Access the QCPP Customer Portal
  2. Review the Quality Care 2020 Requirements
  3. Prepare your evidence
  4. Plan your roster

Learn more about each step in the Onsite Assessment Guide.

Onsite Assessment Guide

What happens during an onsite assessment?

An onsite assessment brings the assessors to your pharmacy, ensuring a thorough and accurate look at your operations.

When the assessor arrives at your pharmacy they will hold a brief opening meeting with the pharmacy owner, manager and/or QCPP coordinator to discuss:

  • Which services your pharmacy provides and will be assessed against.
  • A brief description of what evidence you will need to make available to the assessor e.g. documents and procedures.
  • The overall circumstances of your pharmacy (staff make-up, identification of the professional services area, anything you deem necessary for the QCPP assessor to know about your pharmacy).

After the opening meeting, the assessor will begin the assessment. This will include:

  • Review of your pharmacy specific procedures, such as emergency protocols, professional services, needles and sharps, etc.
  • Review of relevant records, such as HR records.
  • Observation of the professional service area, dispensary and retail area to ensure QCPP requirements are met. This may include walking around your pharmacy, taking photos or selecting dispensary or shop items for closer review.
  • Discussions with your pharmacy staff about pharmacy procedures and policies.

Once the onsite assessment has been completed the assessor will hold a closing meeting with you, which will include:

  • Summary of corrective actions identified during your assessment and the next steps required to finalise your QCPP assessment.
  • Answer any questions you may have about your assessment.

For a detailed overview of when you can expect to hear from us during the assessment, check out the Communications Map.

Onsite Communications Map

QCPP hosts webinars to provide support to pharmacies approaching their onsite assessments. The webinar below provides insight into preparing for an onsite assessment as well as a brief overview of the process.

Onsite Assessment Pharmacy Support Webinar

Frequently Asked Questions

Will there be an option to do remote assessments?

Onsite assessment will be the only option for assessments.

How do I book my onsite assessment?

EY will allocate you with an assessment date and you will receive further information via email.

How long will the assessor be in the pharmacy for an onsite assessment?

Your assessor will spend up to 3.5 hours in your pharmacy. They will work through all aspects of the Quality Care 2020 Requirements to assess compliance.

Preparing for your assessment and having evidence available for review is a key step in reducing the time your assessor spends onsite.

Who needs to attend the assessment?

It’s important that all staff members who are responsible for implementing the QCPP are on hand during the assessment to help answer any questions.

In some pharmacies, this could be several different staff members, such as a pharmacy assistant who might coordinate QCPP, the pharmacy owner, manager or pharmacist in charge who may hold confidential records, and/or a pharmacist who can demonstrate dispensing procedures etc.

Depending on how your pharmacy operates, you may have to organise locum staff to cover the assessment period.

Will the assessor need a private area?

You will need to arrange an area for the assessor to conduct the assessment. Preferably, this would be a private room, but if this is not possible a table and chair would be adequate. Please note that as per the QCPP Program and Assessment Rules the assessor cannot accept any gifts or food.

Do I have to show the assessor confidential business documents?

If QCPP requirements stipulate particular evidence must be sighted, the assessor must sight that evidence, ensuring confidentially is strictly maintained. All QCPP endorsed assessors have signed confidentiality agreements. Commercial and personal information can be redacted if it is not relevant to the purpose of checking the record.

Can I receive some further assistance to prepare for my assessment?

QCPP does not visit pharmacies or offer consultation services to prepare for assessment. Member organisations, banner groups or independent quality management consultants may be able to assist you if you require further assistance to prepare for your assessment.

Can I choose my assessor?

Assessors are automatically assigned to your pharmacy.

If you identify a conflict of interest with your allocated QCPP assessor, please contact us as soon as possible.

What version of the Quality Care Requirements will I be assessed against?

Pharmacies will still be assessed against the Quality Care 2020 Requirements (Version 1.1).

Do I get to choose my assessment date?

You will receive your assessment date from EY.

While some flexibility may be possible, we request that you accept the date proposed by EY, as they schedule an average of 200-400 assessments each month and need to coordinate resourcing and scheduling accordingly. It also ensures your pharmacy can complete the assessment requirements within the required timeframes.


If you have any questions, please email or phone the QCPP Helpline on 1300 363 340 to speak to a member of the QCPP Support Team.